The advertisement is published at www.mib.nic.in once in a year. However, there is NO DEADLINE. The CR applicants are free to apply ...Read more
No, CRFC’s services are free of cost, they do not charge for the support and assistance they ...Read more
The Community Radio Facilitation Centre (CRFC) provides guidance to new Community Radio applicants who aspire to set up a Community Radio Station, those who have already obtained a Letter of Intent ...Read more
Yes, Community Radio Stations can broadcast advertisements if they follow the guidelines stated in the Community Radio Policy. The Community Radio policy states:
“Transmission of sponsored ...Read more
Applicants can apply for funding support under the Community Radio Support Scheme (CRSS) of the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting. The criterion and details for applying for the scheme are ...Read more
An organisation must have a minimum capital amount of Rs 5,00,000/- to set up a Community Radio ...Read more