Ministry of Information & Broadcasting has issued a notice regarding the receipt of applications from operating Community Radio Stations/ LOI holders under the plan Scheme of “Supporting ...Read more
Policies and procedures are designed to influence and determine all major decisions and actions and all activities take place within the boundaries set by them. In this document you may have Basic ...Read more
DAVP Empanelment Guide for Community Radio Stations
The DAVP Empanelment Guide for Community Radio Stations provides a step by step explanation for the online filing for a DAVP empanelment application. The guide also provides a list of all documents ...Read more
Process and Document Checklist for Community Radio Licence Procedure
The process and document checklist acts as a guide for Community Radio applicants who are struggling at the various stages of the Community Radio licence procedure. This guide is a comprehensive ...Read more
Community Radio Stations waiting to renew their expired Grant of Permission Agreements (GOPA) can approach the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting to get their license agreements renewed. ...Read more
The Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity (DAVP) has issued orders for provisional empanelment of four new Community Radio stations with the directorate. DAVP has also sent the offer ...Read more
Ministry of Information & Broadcasting has decided to hold Open House Meeting with the representatives of operating Community Radio Stations and applicants. The first Open House Meeting will ...Read more
The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has decided to follow a public consultative process with respect to the licensing process before finalising its recommendations. It released a ...Read more
DAVP has issued a notice regarding the hard copies of bill submission of Community Radio Stations at the Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity (DAVP). As stated in the notice all Community ...Read more
Dear Applicants, The Wireless Planning and Coordination (WPC) wing has issued an office memorandum requesting applicants who have applied for frequency allotments to furnish an undertaking stating ...Read more