Why is it important to furnish exact Geo-coordinates for CR License Application?

This is the most important detail to be furnished in the CRS Application form. The objective of entire license application process is to get permission for installation of transmitter at the particular geographical point on earth. The chosen geo-graphical location should be free of other broadcasting-related interferences. For e.g. airport located within 10 km radius is interference. So, it is important to do a thorough field study before zeroing down on the exact location for installation of transmitting antenna tower.

This information is a mandatory requirement in all the application forms for CRS provided by Ministry of Information and Broadcasting and the Wireless Planning and Coordination Wing of Department of Tele-Communication, Ministry of Communication & Information Technology. Please make sure there is no typing error while furnishing this detail. Also, do not take it easy about giving approximate figures of geo-coordinates because one degree difference in the geo-coordinate is about 108 kilometer and one minute difference in the geo-coordinate is about 1.08 kilometers.