What is the eligibility criterion to apply for a setting up a Community Radio Station?

Organisations following under the following there categories are eligible to apply to set up a Community Radio Station:

  • Educational institutions including schools, colleges and universities
  • Nonprofit organisations (NGO’s) including community based organisations, civil society, voluntary organisations and charitable trust registered under the Societies Act or any such act relevant for the purpose
  • Krishi vigyan kendra, state agriculture universities (SAUs) and ICAR institutions

It is also important to note that registration at the time of application should at least be three years old.

The following shall not be eligible to apply for setting up a Community Radio Station:

  • Individuals
  • Political parties and their affiliate organisations, including students, women, trade unions and such other wings affiliated to these parties
  • Organisations operating with a motive to earn profit and want to make money out of it
  • Organisations expressly banned by the Union and State Governments